In the fall of 2020, Sunet, part of the Swedish Research Council, decided to tender for a digital exam solution available to all higher education institutions in Sweden. Inspera was awarded the contract, and since December 2020 all Swedish universities have had the opportunity to enter the framework agreement. A number of institutions have already joined the nationwide service.  

Sunet was formed in the early 1980s as a research and development project. They aim to provide the Swedish higher education sector with access to well-developed and effective national and international data communication, national academic identity infrastructure and other related services that meet the needs of the sector, whatever their geographical location.

‘The project team is very happy that the tendering process has been successfully carried out. We are glad that Sunet can offer a quality assessment platform for all Swedish higher education institutions, and we hope that many institutions will benefit from the framework agreement,’ says Linda Jerdenius, Project Manager at Sunet.

With the introduction of Sunet’s Digital Exam Service, the universities can handle the entire examination process digitally. As part of the service, Inspera is responsible for the rollout and implementation of the assessment platform as well as training and support. Sunet facilitates a network where institutions can collaborate and exchange experiences. The agreement includes integration with Ladok, Urkund and a license for Inspera Scan.

The overall goal of the Digital Exam Service is to facilitate improved pedagogical practices and to solve administrative issues. All institutions affiliated with Sunet can purchase Inspera Assessment with call offs under the framework agreement. The cost of the service is based on the number of full-time students enrolled at the respective institutions.

‘We are delighted to have been awarded the framework contract with Sunet and to serve the Swedish higher education community with our system for digital examinations. This win reaffirms our position as both the preferred vendor and market leader in Scandinavia, and that both Sunet and the institutions themselves value our product, service commitment and our long-term roadmap,’ explains Kim James Waldgrave, Head of Commercial Partnerships and Emerging Markets at Inspera.

How framework agreements save both time and resources

Framework agreements can save institutions the time and cost of a sourcing process as they eliminate the need to renegotiate standard terms and conditions. Call offs can be awarded any time up to the end of the framework agreement. Once the work has started the call off can continue beyond the period of the agreement until the work is done.

Some of the benefits connected with the use of framework agreements are predictability and speed. Since the terms of engagement are already agreed, there is no need to undertake a costly and time-consuming full procurement process. Institutions gain a high degree of flexibility as they retain the benefits offered under the collaborative agreement while still having the option to refine their requirements further.

Do you want to learn more?

In our higher education section, you can explore why Inspera Assessment is a great fit for universities. 

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